Dangerous Secrets: Mysterious Creatures of the Mariana Trench

Mariana trench is the deepest trench present on the surface of the earth.

                It is also the deepest point on the surface of the earth’s crust. It is located in the Pacific Ocean towards the western Pacific of the Philippines towards the east of the Mariana Islands. It is a crescent-shaped trench which is actually a part of the global network of trenches which were formed by the collision of the two tectonic plates i.e. the Pacific plate is being subducted below the Mariana plate thus creating the trench. As a result of this subduction, the Mariana Islands were created by the flux melting of the upper mantle.

               The Mariana trench is 2,550 km long and 69 km wide. The deepest point measured until now is approx. at 11,034 meters. It is so deep that if Mount Everest is dropped into it, its peak will be 2 km under water. At the bottom of the trench, the density of water is 4.96% more due to increased atmospheric pressure almost 1000 times greater than at the sea level.

Dumbo octopus:

               It is an octopus with ears. This dumbo octopus has an elephant like ears. It has a 12-inch body and a pair of wiggly eyes and puckered mouth giving it an overall cartoonish appearance. This octopus is the toughest living octopus which can survive at this deep. It is usually found at a depth of 2987 to 3962 meters.

Deep sea Dragonfish:

                 This fish doesn’t look like a typical fish it has no scales but has a slippery slimy skin like an eel. The dragon fish is quite hideous in appearance with oversized teeth and a horrifying face. They are usually 6 inches in size and are found at a depth of 213 to 1828 meters. They have bioluminescent body parts like many other deepwater creatures. Due to the presence of internal chemicals, they produce an eerie glow.

The dragonfish uses this glow to lure its prey and once they’re near the dragonfish gets its food easily.

Barreleye Fish:
                  In the midnight zone of the ocean, light is the rarest and most precious thing. The ability to detect light is the assurance of survival in the deep dark waters. The evolution of the barreleye fish is around this fact. The fish has a transparent head in which two light-sensitive barrel-shaped eyes are present. These eyes are pointed upwards enabling the fish to even see the silhouettes of its prey. Scientists know very little about this fascinating fish. It usually occurs at a depth of 762 meters from which it was pulled for the first time in 1939.

              These are some of the many amazingly mysterious creatures that are found in the depths of the Mariana trench. But, as you know the internet is full of weird and odd things some of which are not suitable for kids. So, in order to keep a watch on your kids, you should install apps like hoverwatch which will ensure safe web browsing for your kids.  
